In Python, join() is a built-in method that is used to concatenate a list of strings or characters into a single string with a specified delimiter. The syntax for join() is
Here, delimiter_string is the string that will be used to separate the items in the iterable, and iterable is the list or other iterable object that contains the strings to be joined. The join() method returns a new string that is the concatenation of all the strings in the iterable, separated by the delimiter string.
For example, let’s say you have a list of words that you want to concatenate into a sentence with spaces between the words. You can use the join() method to do this as follows:
import time
def progress_bar(percent):
bar_length = 20
filled_length = int(percent * bar_length)
bar = '#' * filled_length + '-' * (bar_length - filled_length)
return f'[{bar}] {int(percent * 100)}%'
for i in range(101):
print(progress_bar(i/100), end='\r')
is program, the progress_bar() function takes a percentage value (between 0 and 1) and uses join() to create a simple text-based progress bar. The progress bar consists of a string of # characters (representing the completed portion) and – characters (representing the remaining portion), surrounded by square brackets and followed by the percentage value.
The program then uses a for loop to simulate a task that takes some time to complete. In each iteration of the loop, it calls the progress_bar() function with the current progress (as a percentage) and prints the resulting string to the console using the end=’\r’ parameter to overwrite the previous line. It then waits for a short time using the time.sleep() function to simulate the task taking some time.
When the loop completes, the progress bar will show 100% and the program will exit.